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Personality Insights

In this course, you will discover insights into the components that make up each of the 16 personality types. Dig deep into the details of the Extrovert, Introvert, Sensor, Intuitive, Thinker, Feeler, Judger, and Perceiver.

Exploring Myers-Briggs
Personality Traits

Discover personality insights into the Myers-Briggs letters that comprise the 16 personality types.

The typical outcomes you will experience:

Discover Personality Leadership Insights for Extroverts (E) and Introverts (I).

Discover Personality Leadership Insights for Sensors (S) and Intuitives (N).

Discover Personality Leadership Insights for Feelers (F) and Thinkers (T).

Discover Personality Leadership Insights for Perceivers (P) and Judgers (J).


E for Extrovert; I for Introvert

Where do you acquire your energy or place your attention?


S for Sensors; N for Intuitive

How do you process information and find meaning?


T for Thinker; F for Feeler

Do you make decisions using logic and reason or using emotion and concern for others?


J for Judging; P for Perceiving

Learn to calibrate high-support and high-challenge.

Meet Your Presenter

Jim Koetting speaks on various topics focusing on culture transformation and growing leaders from within an organization. Jim’s influence and entrepreneurial background have put him in positions where he has had meaningful conversations with Fortune 500 executives, Governors, Senators, US presidents, and professional athletes. Communication is a crucial skill. Jim helps teams improve communication and influence.

Jim Koetting
GiANT Certified Coach

Embracing Change in Leadership

Gain the  insights and tools necessary to lead with confidence and inspire your  team to new heights. Join our course now and become the leader you're destined to be.

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